What is Newton? What Does NEW Coin Do? – Cryptokoin.com

What is Newton? Newton (NEW) is a Blockchain project that builds infrastructure and applications to create a community-based economy. cryptocoin.com In this article, we answered the questions asked by investors such as what Newton is, what it offers, what is NEW coin, what is it for, how to buy it. Let’s examine together this project, which claims to transform the corporate economy into a community-based economy.

What is Newton?

Newton Project is a Blockchain-based project that aims to build infrastructure for the community-based economy. This project produces services around management, collaboration and incentives and delivers them to its users. Thus, it contributes to the transformation of the corporate economy into a society-based fair economy. The ecosystem running on BNB Chain encourages everyone who contributes to the community economy. However, the network and the team behind the project work in a completely decentralized way. The project’s team consists of technical experts, e-commerce entrepreneurs and other industry elites.

What does Newton offer?

The project has a full-stack technology architecture, including the underlying public chain, New Chain. Launched on December 18, 2018, the network consists of a main chain and a subchain. It also has high scalability with a unique consensus mechanism called POA. Blockchain can process 5,000 transactions per second, according to the project’s website. This allows retailers and users in Newton to get a good experience.

The ecosystem supports dApps with real business value. These dAapps include digital identity, credit, supply chain, digital marketing, transactions and payments, trusted physical channels, self-financing infrastructures. The network supports DeFi, asset trading, E-commerce and NFTs. Thus, it provides a full-fledged economic model for users. Users can generate income in various ways within the decentralized Newton network.

What is NEW coin? What does it do?

NewMall is a retailer marketplace that combines Blockchain and other technologies. Thanks to Newton technology, NewMall eliminates giant commercial intermediaries. In this ecosystem, everyone recommends the seller, everyone is encouraged, everyone benefits from everything. In all this, NEW coin, the local cryptocurrency of the project, encourages users. Accordingly, users who contribute to the platform are rewarded with NEW coins.

What is Newton? How to get NEW?

Newton is a BEP-20 token traded on Binance DEX, Huobi and MEXC cryptocurrency exchanges. In order to buy NEW, users must be a member of one of these exchanges and deposit an asset suitable for NEW coin parities in the account they have created. After doing these completely, users can complete the purchase on the relevant parity.

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