What is Mars4? What Does MARS4 Coin Do? – Cryptokoin.com

What is Mars4? Mars4, a competitive and survival game, is a P2E Metaverse project set on Mars. In this article, you can find answers to questions that investors wonder, such as what is Mars4, what it offers, what is MARS4 coin and how to buy it. cryptocoin.com We have compiled it for you. Let’s look at the project together.

What is Mars4?

Mars4 is a Play to Earn (P2E) game. These games reward their users for playing games, and payments are usually made in cryptocurrencies. P2E games mostly consist of Metaverses built on Blockchain. Similarly, Mars4 is on the market as an NFT-based Metaverse. The project, which has a local cryptocurrency called MARS4, is built on Ethereum.

The game compiled Mars data from NASA and other space agencies and integrated it into itself. In short, it transports Mars to the virtual universe. Players can purchase similar lands with Mars topography in the game. In other words, it is possible to buy NFTs that are similar to the lands on Mars in a 1:1 ratio within Mars4.

What does Mars4 offer?

Mars4 is a game based on competition and survival, set on Mars. Of the 1448 sq km terrain NFTs in this game, there are only 98,888 available. Users who buy NFTs and play the game are rewarded with the platform’s native token MARS4. In addition to the aforementioned token, users can also purchase land with ETH, USDT and USDC. NFT holders earn passive income in direct proportion to the transactions on the network.

As the volume and number of transactions in the network and the game increase, so does the income of NFT holders. NFT owners can lease and sell their land. They can also advertise their land, open stores and increase their value by renaming them. Finally, it is possible to earn income even if you don’t buy land. It depends on you playing the game, increasing your productivity score and completing the missions.

What is MARS4? What does it do?

MARS4 is an ERC-20 and BEP-20 token that works as the native cryptocurrency of the P2E game of the same name. This token is used for various purposes such as buying land and trading within the Mars4 game. There will be a total supply of 4 billion MARS4 on the market, of which a third will be used to print a limited number of NFT plots. When a transaction occurs with the MARS4 token, benefits arise for NFT holders, such as expanding the pool of returns and liquidity.

What is Mars4? How to take

The Mars4 project, which brings Mars to the virtual world, is a fairly new Metaverse. Therefore, it is currently not traded on major exchanges such as Binance and Kraken. If you are interested in the token, you need access to exchanges such as MEXC, KuCoin, PancakeSwap and LATOKEN. Then you must become a member of the exchange and verify your account. At the end of the transaction, you must place a purchase order for the token by depositing money in your wallet.

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