What is Investment Psychology, FOMO, FUD? We Explained With Experiments!

Investment psychology is a field that studies the effects that result from the emotions, thoughts, and behaviors of investors. Emotional factors are known to play an important role when investors make their decisions, and these factors can cause investors to miss out on many opportunities with return potential or to take excessive risks.

Investment psychology is about how investors think, feel, and act. Studies in this area offer tips for investors to control their emotional reactions and approach their decisions rationally.

Let’s take an experimental look at this investment psychology.

Many experiments have been conducted in the field of investment psychology. These experiments were conducted to understand the decision-making processes of investors and to learn more about investment psychology.

As an example, an experiment conducted in the 1980s examined how people perceive losses and gains and the impact of this perception on their decisions. In the experiment, 20 different scenarios were presented to the participants and the amount and probabilities of gains or losses were changed in each scenario. The results showed that people felt losses more than gains. That is, when an investor gains $100, he may feel more upset than if he lost the same amount. This may cause investors to have difficulty in risk management.

Another experiment used a scenario where investors buy the same stock in a stock market and then announce their gains or losses. In this experiment, it was found that investors tend to take more risk when they win and less risk when they lose. This result shows that the risk tolerance of investors may change depending on whether they win or lose.

The common conclusion from these two experiments is that the emotions of the investors influence their investment decisions. In the first experiment, it was seen that people feel losses more than gains and therefore have difficulty in risk management. In the second experiment, it was found that investors tend to take more risk in their gains and less risk in losses. These results show that emotional factors play an important role in investors’ decision-making processes.

FUD in the World of Investment

FUD is short for Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. FUD is a tactic that spreads negative or false information about a product, service or topic, causing people to feel fear, uncertainty and doubt.

FUD is also common in the crypto investing world. Using the FUD tactic, someone may aim to discourage investors from investing in an investment by spreading false or exaggerated information that an investment is risky or will fail.

What is FOMO?

FOMO is short for “Fear Of Missing Out”. FOMO is a feeling of anxiety, stress, or anxiety, usually felt when a social event or popular trend or opportunity is missed.

The FOMO feeling is also common in the investing world. Investors can regret if an investment opportunity is missed and therefore they can invest by making quick decisions. However, these hasty decisions can lead to wrong investment decisions.

In conclusion:

In order not to get emotional reactions such as FOMO and FUD, investors should first do a good research about the asset they will invest in and try to determine the true value of the asset by making fundamental analysis. They should also assess the risks of the asset in which they will invest their money and determine an investment strategy. Investors should also be patient, stick to their plans and monitor their assets regularly to avoid emotional decision making. In addition, investors should be prepared for the fluctuations of the markets and accept that the market is a natural fluctuation without panicking. All these measures will help investors make healthier decisions without getting emotional reactions like FOMO and FUD.

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