What is ChatGPT? – ShiftDelete.Net

As technology advances, human life gets easier. But it also comes with some concerns. The most talked about one of the last period is an artificial intelligence called ChatGPT. So what is ChatGPT? We asked him everything we wondered about this artificial intelligence directly.

We even assigned the same task to ChatGPT-3 and ChatGPT-4 in order to observe its short-term development. Actually, this task was quite simple for him. Because we wanted him to write the news about him within the framework of certain rules.

We got ChatGPT to shoot its own video!

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, surprises everyone with its answers. In this video, we made ChatGPT take its own video.

The topics we chose for him “What is ChatGPT?“, “Differences between ChatGPT-3 and ChatGPT-4“, “What can ChatGPT do?“, “What does ChatGPT do?“, “Is ChatGPT going to take people’s jobs?” And “Will ChatGPT evolve into Skynet in the future, unleashing its terminators on us?” form.

This page contains the first news given by ChatGPT-3. But when we asked him to communicate more closely with the reader, he wrote the news on the second page. On the third page, you can see the news written by ChatGPT-4 with the same parameters.

What is ChatGPT? Posted by ChatGPT-3

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an open source natural language processing (NLP) model. ChatGPT was developed by OpenAI and is used to generate human-like text. The model is trained with a large language dataset, making it capable of communicating with people in a natural way.

Differences between ChatGPT-3 and ChatGPT-4

ChatGPT-3 is the previous version released in 2020 and is trained using 175 billion parameters. ChatGPT-4, on the other hand, has not yet been released, but is expected to be an estimated 10 times larger. This means it can answer more complex questions and produce more realistic conversations.

What can ChatGPT do?

ChatGPT can be used in many areas as it can naturally communicate with people. For example, it can be used for text completion, language translation, article writing, building dialog systems, and customer service, and can answer people’s questions. It’s also beneficial for software developers because the model can help auto-write software codes.

What does ChatGPT do?

The main use case of ChatGPT is to create a computer program that can communicate naturally with people or to provide an interface for other devices that can interact with people in a natural way. In addition, ChatGPT can also be used in the development of automatic translation systems, thanks to its language understanding ability.

Will ChatGPT Take People’s Jobs?

Although ChatGPT is used in many industries, it is unlikely to take people’s jobs. ChatGPT’s uses are designed to save time and make it more efficient by automating the monotonous work that people have to do. However, human qualities such as original ideas, creativity and empathy are still things a machine cannot fulfill.

Will ChatGPT evolve into Skynet in the future, unleashing its terminators on us?

No, ChatGPT or other AI technologies do not turn into a scenario like Skynet. Artificial intelligence can be a useful tool as long as it is used in the management and control of humans. However, artificial intelligence technologies can lead to undesirable consequences if ethical and safety issues are not taken seriously.

Therefore, AI developers and users must adhere to ethical standards and security protocols during the development and use of technology. Also, as long as AI technologies are still under human control, Skynet-like scenarios are unlikely to happen.

As a result, AI technologies like ChatGPT can be useful tools for humans. However, it is important to pay attention to ethical and safety issues during the development and use of technology.

ChatGPT 1st attempt

Go to page 2 to read the news written by ChatGPT-3 for the 2nd time.

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