What is Blue Whale EXchange? What Does BWX Do? – Cryptokoin.com

What is Blue Whale Exchange? Blue Whale EXchange (BWX) is a Blockchain platform designed for freelance professionals. cryptocoin.com In this article, we have answered the questions that investors wonder, such as what is Blue Whale EXchange, what it offers, what is BWX, what it does, how to buy it. Let’s examine together this project, which aims to create a decentralized sharing and business ecosystem.

What is Blue Whale EXchange?

Blue Whale EXchange is an Ethereum-based Blockchain project released by the Blue Whale Foundation. In 2018, the cryptocurrency market witnessed an increase in the number of freelance platforms powered by AI and Blockchain-based. Many of these platforms criticize existing big platforms like Fiverr, Upwork or even Uber. They also aim to combat high wages and inefficient talent matching systems. However, Blue Whale takes a step forward with its pension services alongside its freelance work platform.

Blue Whale EXchange aims to create a platform where freelancers can pursue their passions and get the value they deserve from the flexible economy. Thus, it will empower the world’s freelancer community through the largest worker-centered decentralized ecosystem. However, the platform built on Ethereum does not just offer this service. In addition to earning money by taking and completing freelance jobs, users can also access various services such as retirement.

What does Blue Whale EXchange offer?

The blue whale provides its users with a versatile package. It also needs great community support in securing the business economy. This is perfectly suited for the decentralized nature of Blockchain technology. Blue Whale works extremely fast when it comes to using the platform. Users can earn money by buying and doing jobs that suit them in this freelance job market. In doing so, they can also benefit from various services such as health and retirement. The ecosystem works for both employers and employees at low costs compared to other platforms.

What is BWX? What does it do?

BWX is an ERC-20 token that powers the Blue Whale EXchange ecosystem. This cryptocurrency powers all payments on the platform. Users work freelance and get paid with this token. Employers, on the other hand, can advertise with BWX, meet the advertising fee and pay the employees. As a result, BWX is available to pay commission fees, pay employees, and cover advertising expenses.

What is Blue Whale EXchange? How to take BWX?

Blue Whale EXchange is currently available for purchase on the Bittrex exchange. Users who want to buy BWX need to access this exchange and become a member. After that, they can buy crypto money by depositing money into their accounts.

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