What is a Data Scientist, How to Become?

Data scientist, one of the professions whose popularity has increased in recent years, is also known as data analyst and data analyst. Data scientists working on data, which is indispensable for today’s world, analyze the existing and determine the most appropriate strategies for the future. Let’s take a closer look at what a data scientist is, what it does, and most importantly, how to become one.

When we think about the last years, there is a concept that we hear often even though it has just entered our lives, data. Data is stolen, data scandals are experienced, not a day goes by when we talk about meta data and big data. Yes, we hear it all the time because data is as valuable as gold for today’s world. As such, the profession of data scientist, also known as data analyst, which we could not even imagine a few years ago, emerged.

The name data scientist actually makes it pretty clear what this profession does. Regardless of the industry, the size of the business, the data scientist receives and analyzes data about the business and the customer, and most importantly, determines the path that the company should follow for the future. Increasing in popularity and will continue to increase for many years to come. What is a data scientist and what does he do? and most importantly, how to be, let’s examine it in all details.

Let’s start with the basics, what is a data scientist?

data scientist; received from customers in return for a business, campaign or project of a company serving in any sector. analyzing data and it is the employee who determines the necessary strategies for the next step of the company. Although the data analyst and the data scientist seem similar, the data scientist differs from the data analyst in terms of drawing the future strategy.

As we have explained in detail in our article here before, data has always existed in our lives, although not in the sense we know it today. in the 21st century data has now become numerical values ​​recorded digitally. Although technology systems help us analyze this data, a data scientist is needed to make an analysis by including numerous variables.

What does a data scientist do?

data scientist

Let’s explain through an example; Regardless of which industry it serves, a company has launched an advertising campaign about its new product. Images of this advertisement were published on websites and some feedback was received. So we have a full numeric value. Is the ad successful or unsuccessful? This is where the data scientist comes into play.

The data scientist receives the data in question and adjusts it in line with the company’s goals. begins to examine. The advertisement attracted the attention of which gender, which age group, which occupational group; Which groups of people who were interested in the ad bought the product, which ones gave positive or negative feedback, and most importantly, should the ad stay that way or should changes be made in line with the company’s goals?

Now that we all know more or less the world of digital advertising, we gave such an example. Because the job in this example is actually one of the simplest jobs of a data scientist. No matter what industry you are serving today, All small or large businesses somehow obtain data related to the work they do, and this data needs to be analyzed and planned in some way.

What are the duties of a data scientist?

data scientist

  • It collects data through methods such as conducting surveys, monitoring visitor traffic, and purchasing data sets.
  • It ensures accurate results by cleaning raw data that may contain errors and outliers.
  • It creates a database to determine how data will be collected and stored.
  • By interpreting data, it identifies certain patterns and trends.
  • It presents all these analyzes to the managers with the help of visualizations.
  • It also makes future predictions during the presentation.

Popular tools used by data scientists:

data scientist

  • Microsoft Excel
  • Google Sheets
  • SQL
  • tableau
  • R or Python
  • SAS
  • Microsoft PowerBI
  • Jupyter Notebooks

Here are the most popular tools, apps, and programming languages ​​used by data scientists. Of course, these are only the most popular ones. According to the industry in which the data scientist works and the data he analyzes Many more tools are available. The important thing is to optimize the process during the analysis and to ensure that the results are undisputed.

Large data sets can be easily processed with database tools, much more complex systems can be established with programming languages, Analysis presentations can be visualized with graphical applications. In other words, by using such tools, the data scientist can optimize the processes of collecting data, analyzing data and presenting analysis results.

Qualities that a data scientist should have:

data scientist

  • Must have a good understanding of the problem
  • must think critically
  • The focus should be clear
  • Must have good verbal and written communication
  • Must have knowledge of the industry in which he works
  • Must follow data technologies and their own industry closely

All these features are actually like puzzle pieces. Having high technical skills but lacking problem solving skills, thinks critically but cannot explain this to their colleagues and managers, The analyzes that a person who does not know the fine details about the sector he works in or who are not aware of the innovations will do as a data scientist will not be very healthy.

Where does a data scientist work?

data scientist

  • Health sector
  • financial sector
  • Businesses
  • field of law
  • scientific organizations
  • medical world
  • government offices

In fact, it would not be wrong to say that a good data scientist works everywhere because especially in today’s world. There is not a single sector left without data anymore. Someone has to analyze the data in question and decode those complex tables. Of course, the person who will do this must be a competent data scientist.

Let’s come to the main topic: how to become a data scientist, which section should be read to become a data scientist?

data scientist

The indispensable features and skills of a data scientist, which we have explained in detail above, can not bring you any school. Because, First of all, you have to be willing yourself. You should find the industry that interests you, follow the developments, learn programming languages ​​that will be useful to you, and take lessons about the applications you will use in the analysis process.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you don’t need to go to college. You must have a bachelor’s degree. Most data scientists are graduates of mathematics, statistics and economics. Because when we consider these areas, we see that data analysis is the basis of all of them. After learning the basics, it’s up to you to improve yourself.

It is becoming more and more popular day by day and accepted as the profession of the future. what is a data scientist, what does he do, how to become We talked about the details you need to know about the profession by answering frequently asked questions. You can share your thoughts on the subject in the comments.

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