What Happens To Our Eyes If We Stare At The Sun For A Long Time?

Almost everyone knows that it is not wise to look directly at the Sun for a long time, but what exactly is happening in our eyes during that time?

The sun is the life source of our planet. By providing heat and light most important reason for life Our star will continue to rise and set in our sky for billions of years.

One of the things most of us have heard about the sun is that when viewed for a long time, to permanent blindness even cause. So how is it that it can cause such damage to our eyes?

First of all, it is necessary to know that light actually carries an extremely high amount of energy.

However, the power and distance of the light sources weaken the effect of the light until it reaches our eyes. Therefore, while it is okay to look at some light sources, whether in the sky or on the earth, some can cause problems.

While looking at the sun with a telescope, in order to prevent its damage special filters are used. Looking through a telescope without these filters is one of the worst ideas imaginable. Even if you normally raise your head and stare for a long time, without the need for a telescope alone, you can ruin your eyes.

In clear weather, the Sun is 5000 times brighter than an average light bulb. When you look at the sun with such power and turn your head for just a moment, you will see a blurry round shape appear before your eyes.

The reason for the formation of this image is that the cells in your eye that process the information about the incoming light and the proteins used during these processes, as a result of intense light bombardment. by short-circuiting caused by damage.

Since there are no pain receptors in the eye, any you do not feel aches or pains; but the blurred image stays in front of your eyes for a while.

If you keep looking for too long, you are doing more than simply overloading your eyes.

First of all, an abnormally high amount of ultraviolet rays it burns your cornea; And this event causes you to feel very sharp pain.

Because in the cornea, unlike the rest of the eye there are pain receptors; This is exactly how you feel pain when you get something in your eye.


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Moreover, ultraviolet rays are not the only problem; intense amount of lightdamage the tissues in your retina and it causes your eyes to no longer process light normally.

As the exposure time increases, the healing time of the damage you have received is also getting longer and can sometimes take years. In very rare cases your eye never heals again.

Another issue is the misconception that it is safe to look at the Sun during solar eclipses, since most of the light from the star is blocked.

Under normal conditions, our eyes squint when looking at the Sun, this is a precaution our body takes automatically. However, during eclipses, since the sun’s light is very low, these mechanisms in our body do not come into play and we can look at the sun for long periods of time. In the meantime, it continues to be damaged without realizing it and to permanent blindness we can come up with results.

In summary, there is nothing good about looking at the Sun. Instead at night to the moon You can take a long look or examine other stars you can see as much as you want.


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