What Happens in Your Body When You Give Up Sugar Completely?

Sugar is one of the indispensable foods in the lives of most of us. Some of us cannot even imagine a life without sugar. But let’s say you cut sugar out of your life. Have you ever thought about what will happen to your body then?

Just as drinking water is one of our most basic needs, Consuming something sugary is also a must. Come on, baklavas, cakes, pastries…

But now let’s think about the opposite and Let’s take a step-by-step look at what happens when we don’t consume sugar.

In the first 24 hours without sugar, blood sugar drops.

The pancreas then secretes glucagon, a hormone that regulates low blood sugar levels by breaking down glycogen. Storage of sugar in our bodyIt creates the energy we need.

On the second day, you may feel tired and your body constantly needs to create new energy sources. Sugar cravings arise. Meanwhile, proteins in the body turn into sugar, and fats are broken down into ketones to create energy.

This causes fatigue, headaches and even cravings for sugar.


On the third day, the mouth starts to smell bad due to the decrease in sugar intake. This Foul-smelling breath can last from a few days to a few weeks.

Between five and ten days, the palate obviously more sensitive to sugar. By the tenth week, you may begin to notice that your skin looks much healthier.

Because sugar is a substance that triggers acne lesions and its deficiency, It means you will not encounter such a situation.. At the end of a year without sugar, your sleep quality will noticeably improve.

Additionally, let’s not forget to mention this. If you are thinking of removing sugar from your life completely You must do this in a controlled manner and under the supervision of an expert. It will be much better for your health.

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