What Happened to the Once Popular Scorp?

Scorp, a social media application originating from Turkey and reaching millions of users in a short time, has not been able to consolidate its place in the industry as much as its competitors, although its star has risen rapidly. In this content, we will take a look at Scorp’s story.

originating from Türkiye This initiative, Scorp, gained great popularity in a short time and attracted the attention of large masses after it was founded by two entrepreneurs, Sercan Işık and İzzet Zakuto, in Istanbul in 2014.

Founded with the idea of ​​creating a platform where people can share their thoughts with short videos, Scorp’s main purpose is to enable users to share their thoughts by making short videos on various topics. was to enable them to share their views. In this way, people would be able to create their own social circles and be enriched by different perspectives.

Scorp attracted great attention in its early years.

The application named Scorp was launched shortly after its launch. with great interest had encountered.

Both its user-friendly interface and innovative format Thanks to this, it attracted people’s attention and quickly became popular.

It became so popular that the influencers of the period also started using the application!

The application became widespread especially among students and young adults, as people who were popular on social media platforms such as Vine started to use this application. He was gradually strengthening his position.

People started to produce and share video content by choosing topics that fit their interests. Scorp, social media in this period new spotlight was on its way to becoming.

Scorp, in a short time to a large user base also reached.

But everything had an end and people started to lose interest…


However, Scorp’s rapid rise was not sustainable. implemented within a few years interest declines started.

Both new and powerful in the field of social media the emergence of competitors or the strengthening of existing competitors, Moreover, the fact that the contents were replaced by repetitive and ordinary videos over time fueled the decrease in interest in the application.

In addition, necessary developments are made to meet the demands and needs of users. Lack of updates and improvements It caused users to move away from the application.

For this reason, Scorp is as popular as Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok and similar applications in the mobile application industry. could not gain a solid footing.

Scorp’s founders later developed a Tinder-like dating app.


It is a kind of dating application with audio and video support in 2018. Who they put it on the market.

Our 100% local dating application This application, which has the feature of allowing users to voice chat anonymously and then switch to video chat.

According to the news by Forbes, this application aims to differentiate itself from Tinder and similar ones by emphasizing voice and video communication as well as text messaging. being labeled as a sexual content application It was removed from the App Store.

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