Whales Attack on Ethereum (ETH) Seeing ATH!

In the past 16 hours, popular on-chain data provider Whale Alert has detected a staggering amount of large transactions in Ethereum (ETH), making ATH at $4,400.97. Here are the details…

ETH makes its first attempt at the May summit

About 13 hours ago, Ethereum (ETH), the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, reached a new historic high of $4,400. It hit its previous all-time high in May and was again close to the $4,000 level.

Ethereum whales exceed $1 billion

250,964 Ether carried in nine transfers reached $1,118 billion in dollars when Ethereum hit its peak of $4,400. The largest transaction took place with 51,837 ETH ($224,934,548). Other transfers moved from 20,000 to 40,000 Ether. Transactions were mostly made by anonymous whales, but some of these ETH stacks were sent by leading crypto exchanges Binance, Gemini, and Bithumb.

At the time of writing, 250,964 Ether transferred is worth $1,093,691,073.44 as ETH has dropped a bit.

Historic Ethereum Fractal Appears: It Can See These Peaks in 6 Months!

Ethereum reaches ATH after biggest ETH circulation day

cryptocoin.com According to a tweet published by Santiment, whose data we shared as , one of the reasons for Ethereum’s reaching the ATH level of $ 4,400 is the huge token circulation of 1.74 million ETH seen on Tuesday. Santiment analysts believe this has created a bullish divergence. Overall, on-chain data looks pretty healthy for Ethereum right now.

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