Whales Are Stocking Up From This Meme Coin!

BabyDoge is now in the hands of 1.226 million users. SHIB owners are left behind. The total number of the SHIB community still lags behind the number of BabyDoge owners. The data shared by the WhaleStats blockchain analysis platform shows that the number one among Baby Doge and Shiba Inu owners continues to win so far. This is despite SHIB’s greater market cap, higher trading volume and wider adoption. Detail cryptocoin.com‘in.

This is meme coin not DOGE

According to the latest data, the amount of wallet holding BabyDoge has now set a new record. The number of current owners totaled 1,226,253 to be exact. That’s a pretty high increase from the 1,205,517 reported three days ago. Meanwhile, as tweeted by WhaleStats earlier today, the total number of SHIB holders is 1,140,151. Also, according to the tweet, the largest whales in BSC currently own a staggering 1,011,635,236,121,550 BabyDoges worth $4,668,265. With a new record, BabyDoge has reached more than 1,225,000 users. The first 1000 BNB wallets hold 1,011,635,236,121,550 BabyDoge ($4,668,265).

According to a tweet from the same platform, the total number of Dogecoin holders currently stands at 460,007. The largest 1,000 BSCs currently hold 326,785,975 DOGEs, which is equivalent to $62,501,117. At the time of writing, the largest meme cryptocurrency is trading at $0.1872. Earlier this week, Tesla started selling some of its products in the online Tesla Shop for Dogecoin only, giving the DOGE price an almost twenty percent increase. With the new record, DOGE reached more than 460,000 users. The top 1000 BNB wallets cost 326,785,975 DOGE ($62,501,117). But so far, the coin has lost some of the gains made thanks to the Tesla announcement.

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