Whales Are Selling These Altcoin Projects Today: Here’s the List!

In the chaotic environment that started with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the fluctuating course in the crypto money markets, with the effect of geopolitical uncertainties, gives excitement to investors. The movements of whales, deep-pocketed crypto investors, are being watched carefully amid market volatility. Many crypto investors are curiously following what the actors, who hold large amounts of altcoins and are described as “whales”, are buying and selling. That’s because their impact on whales’ going to market is unbelievable. cryptocoin.com Today, we look at which altcoin projects whales are selling.

Top 10 best selling altcoins

As Kriptokoin.com, in this article, we discuss the altcoins that Ethereum whales sell the most today. Selling or buying a large amount of tokens in bulk is important in shaping the markets, as the amount, shortage or abundance of coins in the market can create upside or downside pressures on the prices of cryptocurrencies.

According to WhaleStats, which analyzes on-chain whale movements, BUSD is at the top of the list of the top 10 best-selling altcoins among Ethereum whales today. Second on the list is Ethereum (ETH), the second largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. In the third place of the list is USDT, which is in the third place in the market capitalization ranking. USDC comes fourth on the list. The altcoin project that followed it was YFI. In the sixth row, we see the SHIB, known as the Dogecon killer. The seventh ranked altcoin is WBTC. It is followed by altcoin IMX. While SAND, one of the popular metaverse projects, is in the ninth place of the list, the last seen altcoin is TUSD.

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Top 10 holdings ranking

If we look at the “top 10 holdings” held by whales, according to the data from WhaleStat, which monitors the 100 largest Ethereum whales, it is possible to summarize the situation as follows. ETH is at the top of the list of top coins held by Ethereum whales. FTX Token is in the second place of the list. The third secret is SHIB. The coin that follows it is USDC. USDT is in the fifth place of the list, while MATIC is in the sixth place. The seventh coin is BEST, the eighth is OCD. The last two rows are shaped by MANA and CHSB, respectively. According to data from WhaleStat, ENS is the most traded token among whales.

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