We talked about the future of artificial intelligence with Google! Special Interview

Google’s leadership in artificial intelligence and the Gemini artificial intelligence model are one of the most striking issues of recent times. We evaluated all the developments with Google Türkiye CMO Serkan Girgin.

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First, I would like to talk about the event held at Google Türkiye Office. At this event, we prepared important content on Google and artificial intelligence. Together with Google Türkiye CMO Serkan Girgin, we shared very valuable information about Google and artificial intelligence. During the event, we examined in detail how Google’s artificial intelligence technologies are used and what they will offer in the future.

Google’s artificial intelligence model called Gemini was introduced in November last year, and Ceminay Pro 1.5 version was released in February. This model offers a solution that is integrated into Google’s products, which have billions of users. Gemini is not just a large language model, but also an ecosystem where businesses and developers can develop new solutions that can be used via API.

The opportunities Gemini provides, especially in the publishing industry, are incredible. For example, at the Computex event held in Taiwan, we analyzed the speeches of the CEOs of important companies such as AMD, Nvidia and Intel with Gemini Pro 1.5 and turned them into news. In this process, Gemini converted a 58-minute video into text and brought it into news format. This allowed us to complete a process in minutes that would have taken hours using traditional methods.

Gemini offers great opportunities not only for large companies but also for small businesses. Small businesses can transform social media marketing with artificial intelligence. For example, a business making pastries in a village in Sakarya can easily create social media content using Gemini. This makes it possible for even people without graphic design knowledge to produce impressive visuals and content.

Google’s New Products and API Usage

Veo, one of Google’s new products, attracts attention as an advanced video creation tool. Veo allows creating videos with 1080p resolution and up to one minute. Veo, which can understand the words used by users in daily language and understand the terms in professional cinema language, offers creative solutions.

Additionally, thanks to the API opportunities offered by Google, developers can transform their own businesses with artificial intelligence. Google’s support for developer communities allows developers to develop new projects.

Google’s leadership in the field of artificial intelligence and the solutions it offers offer great opportunities for both individuals and businesses. Artificial intelligence helps create new business areas by enabling people to be more creative and productive. Using Google’s artificial intelligence technologies, you can transform your business and gain future competitive advantage.

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