We Painted Dystopian Turkey in 2050 with Artificial Intelligence!

Imagine a Türkiye where democracy has not worked for many years. In this scenario, which we assume to take place in the future of our alternative version of the parallel universe, things did not go well.

Turkey in the alternate universe is no different from the environments in dystopian movies/books. People are unhappy, there is a high cost of living, an authoritarian regime prevails.

Right, law, justice no longer exists; Opponents are not allowed to be in power. The new dictator, who came to power after 30 years of one-man rule, is a relative of the previous dictator and has been at the head of the country for 20 years.

Note: We’ve mostly written the script to GPT-4. We had the drawings designed by Leonardo.Ai and Midjourney.

We previously painted “Utopian Turkey in a Parallel Universe”:


26 Agenda Topics From The Alternative Universe Where Turkey Floats In Prosperity: We Painted With Artificial Intelligence

Türkiye in this universe is very modern and It was a country where people were at peace (It was prepared entirely with an editorial fiction).

Now we look at the dark possibility, “Dystopian Turkey in a Parallel Universe”. This scenario belongs to the artificial intelligence model.

In 2050, Türkiye is located in a dystopian alternative universe. Technological advances are enormous, but not in a promising way for humanity.

In this part of the world, the concepts of human rights and democracy have been largely eroded, environment and climate crisis noticeably hardened.

Turkey switched to a system of government called “Great Technocracy”.

artificial intelligence content

In this system, big tech companies have almost unlimited power. State, watching every aspect of daily life digitally, people are also often included in this surveillance network through the “Smart Citizenship” program.

This program includes daily activities and by monitoring their social scores and by administering it offers its citizens rewards for “good citizenship”.

The economic gap has widened even further. Turkey, which was among the top 20 economies years ago, is no longer even in the top 30.


Inflation is never explained. All that is known is that prices are constantly increasing. The technological elite and their circles lived in luxury in the big cities, while those living in the countryside and less developed cities became severely impoverished.

Some technocrats In “Data Farms”, that is, it has volunteered to live where people are consciously devoted to complex data processing and artificial intelligence training tasks.

Crooked buildings and gray concrete cover the whole city. Moreover, 15 years ago to the Great Istanbul Earthquake Despite this, lessons were not learned and unplanned urbanization continued.

Environmental pollution and climate change make life more and more difficult.

science fiction

Increasing temperatures often drinking water shortage creating large regions with droughts and frequent power cuts. The country’s coasts have been largely destroyed by sea level rise, and many have been forced to migrate inland.

Air pollution It is so intense that people have to walk around with masks. Hospitals are overflowing due to air pollution-related reasons.

Rather than being a free source of information, the Internet has become an area controlled by the government and technology companies.


Although there are some groups that resist this situation, mostly censored or muted. However, rumors circulate that some have managed to overcome this pressure and are reviving resistance movements. However, it is not known how effective these revolts were or how long they would last.

This dystopian Turkey is also a contradictory place. Because despite all these troubles, people still hope to be together, protect their loved ones, and hope for a better world. They have the capacity to fight. Although it is not yet known where this resistance will lead, the light of hope is not extinguished.

The leader of Turkey is known as the “Great Technocrat”.


This person, with broad powers and a figure selected from among the top executives of technology companies. Considered the brightest and most resourceful among the technological elite, the Great Technocrat coordinates the activities of both the state and large technology companies.

The Great Technocrat is a leading expert in data science and artificial intelligence. your strength, controlling every aspect of individuals’ lives and its ability to direct.

Using a management system based on complex algorithms to manage the entire society, this leader bases his decisions on data-driven “objective” criteria. claims.

The leadership of the Great Technocrat is far from transparency. Information on the inner workings of technology companies and the state is largely hidden from citizens.

science fiction images

However, his leadership consistently promotes the concept of “good citizenship” and continuous monitoring of all segments of society and normalizes the evaluation system.

The Great Technocrat is an extremely charismatic and persuasive figure. However, in Turkey under his leadership, rights and freedoms were eroded and democratic processes have largely disappeared. a fact.

The combined power of government and tech companies is taking control of individuals’ lives more than ever before and leads to the suppression of alternative views. In fact, the pro-government public can easily denounce an opponent and get him caught.

The government boasts of the spacecraft it has sent to Mars and the number of nuclear bombs it has.

science fiction artificial intelligence

It is supported by a significant part of the public. Because All broadcasting organs are in the hands of the state. The public is fed only by the information in these publications. Opponents, on the other hand, can stay in contact with secret and illegal publications.

Most of the foreign apps and sites are banned. You are only allowed to use what the state does. Every correspondence on the Internet is monitored by the state. It is forbidden to leave the country. Those caught trying to escape are given the death penalty.

Istiklal Street was once the heart and liveliest street of Istanbul. But in the alternate universe in 2050, this street has also undergone major changes.

istanbul dystopian

Great demographic change took place and Istiklal Avenue historical buildings all of them were covered with signboards devoid of aesthetics. However, the atmosphere of the street is now much quieter and more controlled.

Days when people roamed in groups, musicians played in the street, and people held spontaneous events looks like it’s already past.

As we move through the streets, big screens and holographic billboards are constantly making our way to citizens. the city’s police chief displays messages and incentives of the “Smart Citizenship” program.

dystopia stories

anger on his face The headmaster’s holograms strike fear across the city.

Everyone’s movements are being monitored and analyzed, and there is an atmosphere of tightly controlled gathering in public spaces.


roaming the streets The moral guards have too many powers. If they hear you’re making any criticism of the government, you can be thrown in jail without trial.

There is no place to step on public transport.

public transport

Walking on the streets is nearly impossible. There are many people who do not understand each other’s language. People’s faces are always sullen. However, it would be misleading to say that hope is completely gone in Istiklal Street.

resistance groups, they convey secret messages through graffiti art and other creative methods that escape the notice of high-tech systems.


Some old cafes and bars still function as places where insurgents meet and make plans. And perhaps most importantly, people still get together, tell stories, and get together. They struggle with hope for a better future. So, the heart of Istiklal Street still beats – just with a slightly different rhythm.

In the dystopian alternative universe of 2050, the election process in Turkey has changed drastically.


Elections are under the control of technology companies and Under the supervision of the Great Technocrat It is held as “Digital Elections”. This means that all electoral processes are conducted online and digitally.

Votes are cast through a digital platform as part of the “Smart Citizenship” program. Every citizen has the right to vote after going through the identity verification process. However, this process does not affect or even influence the election process of government and technology companies. created the ability to manipulate.

future Türkiye

For example, social scoring A mechanism based on the system of voting can affect the voting rights of individuals and their participation rates in elections. Those with higher social scores priority suffrage while those with low scores may lose their voting rights.

In this case, the selection process far from democratic shows that. The nomination process is also far from transparent. The Great Technocrat and his advisory board of tech companies select the candidates, and the public has no influence over the candidates.

The results of the elections are often questionable.

questionable choices

Vote counting is done by an automated process based on algorithms, increasing the possibility of manipulation and cheating. The ruling party consistently wins the elections. and the fact that the voice of the opposition is mostly suppressed is an indication of this situation.

However, resistance groups are trying to oppose this situation and fight for the restoration of genuine democratic processes. they are still trying.

In such a Turkey, an old man finds a photograph that he tucked into the forbidden book he kept in his room.

old man

Name, photos, views, statues photo of a banned leader This. The grandson enters the old man’s room and says, “Grandpa, who is this?” says. The old man can’t even answer.


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