We Heard the Working Conditions of Doctors from a Doctor!

With the pandemic period, we all realized once again how important health is. Intern doctors are also included in the group that forms the backbone of the medical institution, even if they are not always as visible as other healthcare professionals. I talked to an intern for you and asked how the working conditions were. Here are the details…

Interns are final year medical school students. But don’t be fooled by the word student, they are actually first step into the medical profession they’re going through a phase.

Many interns provide services to the citizens, accompanied by night shifts. However, the conditions under which they work and what they do may not always come to the fore. We also wondered how these individuals shuttle between academic life and working life. Therefore, we interviewed an intern to shed light on the issue for you. Here are the answers of the 24-year-old intern doctor…

Working conditions of interns differ according to the department.

Actually, the definition of “what does an intern do” is a bit of a vacuum. Because there is no regulation that covers exactly how we work. In general, the interns do the simple jobs that the general practitioner and doctors are responsible for. Here we take EKG (electrocardiography), we do things like taking blood gas. Apart from this, interns are also used as cheap labor, such as taking the patient from one place to another (from one department to another). of our work not adjusted for seizures also a big problem.


Let me explain it this way: We can work for 16 hours on 8 hours of shift, and then again for 8 hours, sometimes up to 32 hours. I think this is a serious problem. Looking at the good side, you are getting ready to feel like a doctor. After all, this is not a job that can stay in theory; dealing with people, that is practical importance winning A business. For example, we also learn how to communicate with patients, how to manage them, what are simple intervention procedures. There are often cases where we are the sole doctor of a patient. I think these are very instructive steps before moving on to the profession.

The work of interns is very tiring.

Watch Doctor

Our shifts are 16 hours on weekdays, on weekends and 24 hours on public holidays. The subject of the seizure also varies according to the department. While it is more intense in some sections, it is quieter especially in sections without emergency services. Think about it this way, even if an intern doesn’t work at all, being in the hospital while on duty is tiring because it takes time.

The biggest problem in the seizures is that the seizure money is not given.


Normally, there is a fee that health workers will receive under the name of duty allowance. While other health workers have per-watch wages, we do not. Our salaries are fixed and our salary is currently 1568 TL. There is also something like this: It was announced by the authorities in the summer of this year that interns will be paid minimum wage. We are waiting for that fee, but we could not get the fee right away because the decision has not been passed by the parliament yet. Although we have not received this money yet, both our superiors and the people in the society their point of view towards us by assuming that we receive high sums. is changing.

But we are waiting for the decision from the parliament to pass so that we can get the money. For example, let me tell you a few incidents on this subject: For example, the owner of the house where I stayed with my three friends wants to increase the rent excessively by saying, “You are already getting the minimum wage.” Another situation is our assistants and superiors, “you get paid then you deserve it” They are trying to load more work by forcing us psychologically. This incident that I am describing did not happen to me personally, it happened to your friends. In some departments, both teachers and assistants applied this treatment to friends.

Assistants generally treat interns well, do not hesitate to teach something, but I have witnessed that some assistants use mobbing.

Doctor Mobbing

For example, an assistant killed my friend next to me for very minor reasons. had scolded. These people somehow feel the tension above them that things go wrong, the most junior person. scolding the interns He can try to get over them. Lack of a formal definition of what the intern should do; It causes the person to have to run for every job given without question and not to say that this is not my job. This situation also increases mobbing.

The biggest challenge for healthcare professionals is dealing with people when they are agitated.

TV Series: The Good Doctor

For example, a person is happy when he goes to the bank and leaves, but when they come to us, he gets the news of the death of his first degree relative. For example, a person learns that his mother has died and that his father has a heart disease. So what does that mean, probability of learning bad situations means there is. Therefore, we are always at a high risk of being exposed to violence. Because we are in relationships with people with bad psychology. Of course, people’s psychology is not good in such situations.

Unfortunately, we have been hearing the news that too many healthcare workers have been killed recently because not only the patients but also their relatives are like that. Another difficulty of our profession is that we work on shifts, as we talked about at the beginning. In these conditions, our night and day are intertwined. all working watch jobs are hard for me I can say.


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