We asked ChatGPT about the professions that humanity will not need in the near future. So what were the answers he gave us?
The needs of our age are changing every day. Accordingly, some professions are no longer when not needed Some professions also stand out.
We talked about this issue with ChatGPT and told him ”What are the professions that will disappear in the near future?” we asked. Let’s see what answers artificial intelligence gave us.
1-Data entry staff
”Automation and artificial intelligence technologies can perform data entry operations much faster and more accurately. Technologies such as OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) are rapidly taking over manual data entry processes done by humans. Therefore, there is a need for manual labor, especially when entering data into large databases. demand is decreasing rapidly.”
”Self-service checkouts and contactless payment systems Thanks to this, the need for cashiers in the retail sector is decreasing. Especially large supermarket chains and stores are popularizing automatic cash registers where customers can make their own payments. “As these technologies are faster and more cost-effective, the function of cashiers may disappear over time.”
3-Customer service representative
”Artificial intelligence-based chatbots and natural language processing systems can serve customers quickly and effectively. Now many customer support, voice response systems and digital assistants It is provided through. “This makes the job of customer service representatives less necessary because AI can resolve customer questions much faster.”
4- Postman
”Thanks to e-mail, instant messaging and electronic documents The use of physical mail has been declining for years. Additionally, the proliferation of drones and autonomous delivery vehicles is making the task of delivering physical packages and letters more automated. “The need for mail carriers will gradually decrease, especially with the acceleration of digitalization.”
5-Taxi Driver
”Autonomous (driverless) vehiclescould greatly transform the taxi and transportation industry. Currently, many technology companies and automotive giants are making major investments to develop driverless vehicles. Since these vehicles offer many advantages, from traffic management to security, they will lead to a decrease in the demand for taxi drivers. “Driverless taxi services can eliminate the human factor while reducing costs and increasing safety.”
You have listened to ChatGPT’s answers to our question “What are the professions that will disappear in the near future?”
We have transferred ChatGPT’s answers as they are. So, do you think there will be no need for these professions? Don’t forget to express your opinions.
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