“We are at war with China”

Nicolas Chaillan

The native French was the first software chief in the Pentagon.

(Photo: Klawe Rzezcy, Getty Images)

San Francisco Apple, Google or Microsoft – the most important tech giants come from the USA. Nevertheless, the country is losing the race for future technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) or cybersecurity, says Nicolas Chaillan. Born in France, he was the first “Chief Software Officer” in the US Department of Defense – and caused a sensation when he resigned a few weeks ago.

The cooperation of the US military with Silicon Valley does not work, says Chaillan in an interview with the Handelsblatt. There is “a wall”, there is a lot of mistrust at Google & Co. The rejection is also fueled by employees who have been smuggled into the corporations by China for decades. “We are at war with China. We just don’t know yet, ”says Chaillan.

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