Watch Out For These 14 Altcoins: They Are Rising In The Binance Markets!

Examining the most sought-after altcoin projects on the Binance exchange can give an idea about the trends. In this article, let’s take a look at the search results and the developments of the week from the volume giant Binance.

Here are the popular altcoin projects of the Binance exchange

BNB, the native token of the Binance exchange, is in the first place as always. The second-placed Phantom (FTM) gained another $1.2 billion (+20%) in locked total value (TVL) despite the market correction, setting a record TVL total of $10 billion. The Phantom report from crypto research firm Delphi Digital says the DeFi-focused altcoin project could be a big player.

Polkadot (DOT), positioned at the third place on the list, continues to keep its community alive with parachain auctions. In short, Polkadot strengthens the interoperability of blockchains. Ranking 10th by market value, DOT is trading at $28.06 with a volume of $27.7 billion.

Further down the list are Dogecoin (DOGE) and Bitcoin (BTC). Last week, DOGE fell out of the top 10 on Binance’s most wanted list. This week, the price of the meme coin took action after CEO Elon Musk of electric car giant Tesla shared that the company will accept payments in Dogecoin. During this period, DOGE increased its 24-hour earnings to 25%, also recording a local high of $0.2032. Despite the day’s 5% correction, it keeps its weekly gains around 20%. You can reach the Tesla developments that we have compiled as and the analyzes of the US politician David Gokhshtein here. The following altcoin projects complete the list:

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