Warning For Altcoin In The Basket Of Turkish Investors Has Been Released!

Mysten Labs, behind Sui, the popular altcoin project of recent times, has issued a warning. Mysten Labs pointed out that a scammer targeting Sui wallets is currently on the move. Here are the details…

Warning from Mysten Labs for Altcoin Sui

Mysten Labs, a Web3.0-focused startup, talked about a scam targeting Sui Wallets. He gave a warning to the public about this. Recent unauthorized transactions and the addition of spam coins to some Sui wallets have prompted the company to urge users to be cautious when interacting with foreign objects in their wallets. Mysten Labs is actively working to address potential security breaches in affected wallets.

The warning came after a screenshot of a message appeared on Twitter claiming that the recipient had earned 1000 SUI tokens and should claim them. Some users have expressed concerns about a Sui development team member being involved in the breach. On the other hand, Mysten Labs explained that such incidents are not intentional and are likely the result of external factors.

Two weeks ago, cryptocoin.com As we reported, layer-1 Blockchain Sui Network has launched its mainnet. SUI; It entered the market as a token serving purposes such as staking, gas fees, and governance. The Sui token quickly gained traction. That’s why it’s listed on leading cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance, OKX, Bybit, Kucoin, and Upbit. The total Sui token supply is set at 10 billion.

Scammers took advantage of airdrop rumors

The Sui development team also announced plans to launch more than 200 decentralized applications (dApps) on the protocol, including immutable tokens (NFTs), Decentralized Finance (DeFi), and gaming. Despite rumors of a possible Sui token airdrop circulating in April, Adeniyi Abiodun, co-founder and chief product officer of Mysten Labs, has revealed that he has no ongoing or future plans for a public airdrop. The only distribution of the protocol was for the early donors of the project. The company provided an allowance of 20 percent of the supply for these individuals. This did not imply a public airdrop either.

Taking advantage of the community’s optimism about potential airdrops, scam coin developers began to smuggle fake tokens into Sui wallets. This unfortunate situation highlights the importance of staying vigilant and being careful when interacting with unfamiliar tokens. Mysten Labs is actively working to address the issue and protect its users from further fraud.

As the investigation continues, Mysten Labs urges Sui users to immediately report potential security breaches. The community has the opportunity to collectively combat fraudulent activities by taking a proactive approach. Thus, they can create a safe environment within the Sui Network ecosystem.

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