Voyager 1 Finally Becomes Fully Operational

The Voyager 1 vehicle, sent to explore the depths of space, has become fully functional again after a long break.

Continuing its journey in the depths of space, Voyager 1 also has the success of being the farthest human-made object. In the past months, the vehicles on it have started to malfunction and send meaningless data. Voyager It was beginning to be thought that we had come to the end of the road. According to the statement from NASA, the vehicle started sending logical data again and working fully functional after a very long time.

in November 2023 stops sending healthy data Repairing the vehicle was a very difficult process. Due to the location of the vehicle, it was necessary to wait 45 hours to get a reaction. That’s why the process was quite difficult and heavy.

Status information was received in April

Voyager 1 launched for the first time in a long time in April. vehicle health and status information It started sending data. In May, it was stated that two pieces of equipment on the vehicle started working again and collecting data.

In the statement made today, NASA said that 24 billion kilometers away of Voyager 1 “conducting normal scientific operations” he explained. According to the statement made by the institution, Voyager 1’s time tracking software was resynchronized and the digital tape recorder was maintained.

Voyager 1, from now on 47 years ago was sent into space. The original mission of the vehicle was to last only 5 years, and its main mission was to collect information about Jupiter and Saturn.


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