Volvo Shifts Electric Car Production to Europe!

It was claimed that Volvo would shift electric car production to Belgium to avoid sanctions. This claim seems to be useful for Volvo enthusiasts in Turkey.

As Chinese automobile manufacturers began to dominate the market, governments For cars coming from China It caused him to take various steps. For example, Türkiye will pay a 40 percent discount on all cars to be brought from China as of next month. additional customs duty will implement it. On the other hand; The European Union also made a decision, just like Türkiye, and started to impose additional taxes on automobiles coming from China.

In this case, companies producing in China are closing their factories. To transport to European region and Turkey They started to take various initiatives. In a news we shared with you in the morning, we stated that MG and Chery have plans to establish a factory in Turkey. we mentioned. Here is a similar news, this time volvo It came from the front. It was claimed that the company started to transport the cars produced in China to factories in Europe.

EX30 and EX90 move to factory in Belgium

According to news based on sources familiar with the subject, Volvo has transferred the production of its newest electric models, the EX30 and EX90, from China. moving to Belgium decided. It is even claimed that the production of some models that will be sent to England will be transferred to Belgium. Such a development also affects Volvo fans in Turkey. will positively affect.


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With a decision taken earlier this year, the government banned the import of electric cars from China. had restricted. Brands that want to bring cars have a very meet harsh conditions It would be necessary. In fact, Volvo made a statement on the subject and said that it could not bring the EX30 to Turkey. had announced. Here is the shifting of production from China to Belgium, the model in question can be brought to Turkey means. Because the factory is located in Europe and the agreements between Türkiye and the European Union mean that these vehicles tax free He will make sure he comes to Turkey.

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