Valorant’s Turkish Agent May Have Revealed

A new post from Valorant Turkey’s official Twitter account gave us new clues about the eagerly awaited Turkish agent. In the published video, there was a character thought to be a Turkish agent.

In recent months, Vaorant’s intelligence agent, Cypher, ‘leaked‘ The information excited the Turkish players. According to the information given by Cypher, a Turkish agent would be added to the game.

In the past weeks, it has been claimed that our character will be a Turkish agent living in Germany. In a blog post published with this claim, Turkish delight, Turkish coffee and a ring with an evil eye bead to be found he had pointed the arrows at our country again.

Message from Brimstone

A new ‘message’ that emerged yesterday evening excited Turkish players again. In the shared photo, Brimstone, one of the Valorant agents, is the Turkish agent Cypher mentioned earlier. There was an operation in Turkey and the agent was caught. had explained. Stating that they are in an unexpected situation, Brimstone said, Said we’d get answers soon.

After this post, many Turkish players began to wait for more clues for the new Turkish agent. The clue that the players were waiting for was shared today.

Could this new character be our Turkish agent?

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