USA Sues Adobe – Webtekno

The US Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against software giant Adobe. The reason for the lawsuit is the complexity of Adobe’s subscription packages. The US government thinks that Adobe has cornered the consumer and left him helpless.

Adobe, one of the leading companies in the graphic design industry, has been controversial subscription plans is implementing. This causes users to constantly pay money to Adobe. However, the US Department of Justice has a Stop will say looks like.

US Department of Justice sues Adobe over subscription packages decided to file a lawsuit. According to the statement made by the Ministry, Adobe is not clear with the consumer in terms of plan conditions. In addition, the company is accused of tying consumers to itself with early termination fees. In addition to all this, the package cancellation process complexity has also become a part of the case.

“Adobe is aware of everything but does nothing”

This is not the end of the accusations against Adobe by the US Department of Justice. The Ministry has posted information about this issue on Adobe’s website and forum sites. There are many complaints says. According to officials, Adobe was not unaware of the disturbances. However they don’t take any steps.


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Adobe has no liability whatsoever regarding the lawsuit filed against it. did not make a statement. At least for now. However, it is certain that Adobe will have a headache. Because subscription packages are offered in the same way globally. In other words, the case filed in the USA, It will also affect Adobe subscribers in Turkey.

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