US Senator Comments on Biden’s Cryptocurrency Order: “We’re Encouraged!”

US President Joe Biden last week cryptocurrencies The executive order he signed on the main framework of the regulation still makes its impact felt.

Many names in the cryptocurrency industry have commented on the executive order Biden signed. Last comment on this From US Senator Cory Booker came.

Cryptocurrencies Can Contribute to the Growth of the US Economy!

Booker, the first African American elected from the state of New Jersey in the U.S. Senate, said:I was encouraged by the subtle yet optimistic tone of the latest executive order on digital assets. “He talked about the possible advantages of cryptocurrency to the American economy.

“Cryptocurrencies, if properly supported and regulated, have the potential to bring growth to the American economy. This is an incredible and exciting innovation.”

USA Must Maintain Leadership Position!

of the USA cryptocurrency Noting that he is in a leading position in the industry, the senator said that it is also important to protect investors:

“As the order signed by Biden states, the United States has a leadership position in the fast-moving and evolving cryptocurrency space, and we need to ensure that position is maintained.

In order for the United States to maintain its competitive position in the global money market, priority should be given to protecting consumers as well as promoting innovation in the cryptocurrency market.”

Executive order signed by Joe Biden in the cryptocurrency industry It was seen by many as an important development and welcomed.

Christine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank In his statement last week, he said that he welcomes the United States to work on cryptocurrencies and CBDCs.

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