US researchers develop ‘the smartest’ robot dog

Artificial intelligence researchers and many robot companies have been producing robot dogs for many years. Xiaomi’s From your CyberDog Boston Dynamics to your spot There are so many different options. Now, researchers in the USA have developed an artificially intelligent robot dog that learns to walk in just one hour.

DayDreamer learned to walk in just an hour

A new study conducted at the University of California in the USA has revealed how fast robotic dogs can learn. Dreamer algorithm The robot first learned to stand on its feet in 30 minutes. Then he started to stand up on his back and take steps.

In fact, the technology the researchers focused on was not the robot itself. Because this is Unitree’s Unitree A1 a named model. The main purpose of the research is; It was to demonstrate how fast the Dreamer algorithm, developed by Danijar Hafner, Alejandro Escontrile, and Philipp Wu, can learn by itself.

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It’s the robots turn to search for the $175 million Bitcoin that went to the trash!

An employee of James Howells will enlist the help of robots to search for the hard drive containing 8,000 Bitcoins that he trashed years ago.

DayDreamer Innovative artificial intelligence named aims for real-world education without any simulation. Like the researchers’ dog, the robots are expected to learn on their own with the help of the Dreamer algorithm.

In the description of the video shared by Danijar Hafner, “We trained a quadrupedal robot to learn to walk directly in the physical world without simulators. It is possible to learn in just 1 hour by constantly learning a world model using the Dreamer algorithm and making a plan in it.

robot dog

It is noteworthy that as a result of an hour’s work, the robot can stand up despite the impacts. Still, the DayDreamer will have to train longer for advanced skills like jumping and hurdling.

So what do you think about this subject? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section!

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