US Air Force Enters Metaverse Rival Area!

The crypto money industry has been known for very serious trends lately, and the metaverse is definitely one of them.

metaverse and NFTWhile the madness about the ‘s still continues, now a patent and trademark application has been made directly by the US Air Force. If it’s about “spaceverse” it happened.

US Air Force Makes An Interesting Application

To the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office According to a filing Thursday, the Air Force Department is defined as “a secure digital metaverse that connects terrestrial and spatial physical and digital realities and provides synthetic and simulated augmented data.” “SpaceVerse” trademarked the word.

Although it is not known whether this initiative is related to the US Space Force, it is emphasized in the statement made on the website that the initiative was made with the connection of several institutions.

Despite this, it is emphasized that the said initiative will continue as a “separate project of the Air Force”.

It was not surprising that such an initiative came in the last days, especially when companies such as SpaceX and BlueSky increased the competition for space travel.

It was known that new trends like this would come after the Metaverse, and spaceverse it has now officially become the trademark of the US Air Force.

If Spaceverse-focused crypto money projects are launched, they may need to get permission. US Space Forcese has recently announced that it will launch NFT versions of its vehicles. US Navy Ise signed a $1.5 million deal for blockchain-based logistics services.

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