Up to 2 Years in Prison Request for Master Actor İlyas Salman

The star of Yeşilçam movies, İlyas Salman, was sued for a video shared on social media last year. The prosecutor’s office demanded that the master actor be imprisoned from 6 months to 2 years for the crime of ‘insulting the Turkish nation’.

Famous cinema and theater actor, who appeared in films such as Banker Bilo, Çiçek Abbas Elias Salmanmade statements about President Erdogan and the public in a video shared on social media in January 2021. A lawsuit has been filed against the 72-year-old Yeşilçam player due to this video that has now been shared.

In the indictment prepared by the Anatolian Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, which states that the investigation was initiated upon a denunciation, the famous actor portrayed the Turkish nation, government and the judicial organs of the state in the video shared on social media. to humiliate It was reported that he used expressions directed towards

6 months to 2 years imprisonment

According to the news, the prosecutor’s office said that the words of the 72-year-old artist were used with the aim of humiliating, decided that it was not within the scope of freedom of thought and criticism.. In addition, in the indictment, it was noted that the Ministry of Justice requested an investigation against Salman, and the ministry allowed this.


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Prosecutor’s Office, İlyas Salman ‘publicly humiliating the Turkish nation‘ of the crime 6 months to 2 years It was also among the news that he wanted him to be punished with a prison sentence and that the indictment was accepted by the sent court. The famous actress, on the other hand, stated that her words did not constitute any crime and did not aim to humiliate anyone.

Source :
https://www.indyturk.com/node/454946/haber/i%CC%87lyas-salman-hakk%C4%B1nda-social-media-payla%C5%9F%C4%B1m%C4%B1-gerek% C3%A7e-2-y%C4%B1a-to-jail

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