UK to Trial Personalized Cancer Vaccines

England has rolled up its sleeves to test personalized vaccines for cancer treatment.

Thousands of cancer patients in the UK have been waiting for a long time for new treatments to be available along with personalized vaccines. Thirty hospitals within the scope of the National Health Service (NHS) have been working on this issue for a long time. Cancer Vaccine Project attended. In this system, cancer patients are matched with trials using mRNA technology.

Although there is a general disease called cancer, there is no cancer virus or microbe, it occurs due to deterioration in the genetic structure. Although cancerous structures are generally similar to each other, they are developed according to the gene structure of the individual. mRNA structures It offers more effective treatment because it is adapted to different genetic structures.

It has been used before

55 year old Elliot PfebveHe became the first person in the UK to be treated with a personalized vaccine against bowel cancer. Elliot, who had previously undergone surgery and chemotherapy treatment, was vaccinated at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham. Speaking on the subject, Pfebve said, “If successful, this will be a medical breakthrough. It could help and give hope to thousands of people.” said.

In the tests performed after Pfebve’s first treatment, there was no cancer in his bloodstream. DNA It turned out that he had parts, so Pfebve volunteered for the vaccine. Thus, it aims to prevent cancer from recurring. German pharmaceutical company in the mRNA vaccine to be used BioNTech has his signature.

Although vaccines normally have preventive properties, cancer vaccines can be used for therapeutic purposes. These vaccines prepare the body to look for cancer, and the body can then eliminate the cancerous patterns that appear.


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