UK Not Satisfied With Binance’s FTX Announcements

Politicians in the UK were dissatisfied with Binance’s statements regarding the collapse of FTX.

In the news we shared the other day, the politicians in the UK Binance may be responsible for the collapse of FTX doubts, and Binance management responded to these doubts. We reported that he objected.

Alison Thewliss, a member of the UK Treasury Committee, said that Binance’s statements were “background” He thinks it does not reflect and says:

“I’m sure the Committee will ask more questions about what’s been going on in this whole process. Because this collapse has bigger implications, both in general and in the crypto industry.”

According to Thewliss’ statements, about what happened in the background of Binance’s FTX event. not enough transparencycryptocurrency in the UK can also affect the regulation.

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