Twitter Source Codes Leaked!

It turned out that Twitter’s source codes were leaked and these codes were published on GitHub. While it is not known when and how the incident took place, Twitter applied to the court regarding the issue.

There has been a remarkable development regarding Twitter, the world’s most popular microblogging platform, which has been completely dominated by Elon Musk for a while. of the platform source codes Turns out that part of it was leaked and posted on GitHub. Twitter, which started a legal process regarding the incident, reached Microsoft and obtained the source codes. to be removed provided.

According to court documents reached by Reuters, the person who made the leak is on GitHub “FreeSpeechEnthusiast (Free Speech Enthusiast)” but who this user is, when and how he leaked the Twitter source codes, and why he quietly posted them on GitHub it is not clear. Here, Twitter wants to determine who FreeSpeechEnthusiast is for the answers to these questions.

What was in the leaked codes?

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