TÜRKSAT 6A is going to space! Countdown to launch has begun

Türkiye once again showed its assertiveness in space technologies. In this context, the first domestic and national communication satellite TURKSAT 6Awas taken to the USA to be launched. Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kacır stated that TÜRKSAT 6A is planned to be launched in the first week of July. So what will be the mission of TÜRKSAT 6A?

The first domestic and national communication satellite will operate in a fixed orbit 35 thousand 786 kilometers away from the earth. Minister Kacır stated that TÜRKSAT 6A has a localization rate of over 80 percent and includes Turkey among the 11 countries that can produce communication satellites.

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In the local satellite project; Stages such as design, sub-component production, integration and testing were completed locally. A total of 84 pieces of equipment of 24 different types, such as the satellite’s flight computers, power distribution and regulation units, star tracks, reaction wheel, and electric propulsion system (EİS), were produced locally.

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It was also stated that the satellite passed 396 environmental and functional tests. These included mechanical tests that simulated the vibration and acoustic loads it would be exposed to during launch, thermal vacuum tests that simulated the thermal conditions and vacuum environment in space, and antenna performance tests.

The orbital placement and commissioning operations of TÜRKSAT 6A will be carried out by Turkish engineers. After the launch, it will be delivered to Türksat AŞ and will serve for more than 15 years.

Minister Kacır stated that the domestic satellite is an important step for the strategic security of the country. “We will commercialize the R&D and production capabilities we have achieved so far in satellite technologies. “We will create our national satellite brand for the strategic security of our country,” he said.

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