Turkish Space Agency excited with the announcement of the Moon program!

Turkish Space Agency Moon program (TUA) made a new statement about it. The agency, which has been working for the National Space Program since last year, revealed where they are for their first Moon trip.

In the statement made on the social media accounts of the space agency, “The National Space Program works that will carry our country to the point it deserves in the space league continue without a break. Moon Research Program – 1 With each passing day, the distances are getting shorter and we are getting closer to our goals!” expressions were used.

An explanation came from TUA about the mysterious green meteor!

Green light meteor seen from many points in Turkey, created panic. A statement came from the Turkish Space Agency on the subject.

Turkish Space Agency gave information about the Moon program

In the post made on the official Twitter account of the Turkish Space Agency, it was stated that a critical point has been reached for the Moon Research Program-1. According to TUA’s statement, for Moon studies TUBITAK Space and Delta V Collaboration with the company.

Developed for the Moon Research Program spacecraft Stating that they have completed mission design, operation concept, orbit design and mission analyzes for Hybrid Propulsion System (HIS) did not neglect to give information about.

Expressing that a coordinated work continues for HİS, TUA announced that it has successfully completed the preliminary design of the Hybrid Propulsion System, the production of the first flight-scale test prototype and the test system that will perform the flight-scale ground tests.

Our country, which has its eye on space, a while ago Turkish Space Agency He started his work in this field by establishing an institution called His first goal is to go into space and collect samples from the Moon. TUAcurrently dealing with the research and development part.

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