Turkish Economy, Second Most Growing Country

The World Bank has published a report titled ‘Economic Update in Europe and Central Asia’. According to the report, the Turkish economy grew by 21.7 percent in the second quarter of 2021, making it the country with the second highest growth rate among the G-20 countries.

In the context of knowledge, who once ran around the circle with a handkerchief saying only “I sell oil, I sell honey” relevance to the economy We were the children who had at most this much. We do not know when we became ordinary citizens, politicians and economists. Because we are a country that is interested in politics, of course, we often came across each other again, but now we need to be in touch with the economic conditions in every step we take.

From basic needs to a new product or device, from daily chores to vacation plans, it is necessary to design and plan every moment of life according to economic opportunities. As such, the country and economic developments in the world, researches and reports are of great interest to most citizens. Of course, there are people who are happy on behalf of the country when they see a positive development in the economy, but cannot understand what this growth does when they see that it is not reflected in their pockets.

The biggest obstacle to our economy: Reliability

The COVID-19 pandemic has also seriously affected the world economically. In the shadow of these effects, the World Bank published a report titled ‘Economy Update in Europe and Central Asia’ to evaluate the recovery process after the pandemic. Increasing unemployment during and after the pandemic economic troubles citizens were also overwhelmed. According to the report published by the World Bank, in the second quarter of 2021, 21.7 percent growth Turkey’s economy is among the G-20 countries. second highest growth rate owner.


The Ratio of Anti-Vaccination in Turkey Has Been Determined

Success in the vaccination campaign, effective control of COVID-19, relaxation of epidemic measures and strong demand in domestic and foreign markets were cited as factors that played a role in this growth. In the report, the biggest challenges in front of our country’s economy are rebuild credibility in monetary policies and to control inflation.

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