“Trojan Horse” Virus Detected on iPhones for the First Time

A trojan virus has been detected that affects devices in both the Android and iOS ecosystems. The virus targeting banking applications is considered a first for iPhones. So how do we protect ourselves from this virus?

US-based technology giant Apple generally recommends the iPhones it launches. from safety It hits. In fact, it is not very unfair. Because the iOS ecosystem is closed, developing and spreading malware is not possible. it is not easy. However, the latest news reveals that this situation is starting to lose its validity. Because hackers have a problem that affects iOS devices as well as Android phones. trojan horse virus they developed.

The virus, detected by Group-IB, which works on cyber security, was first discovered in October 2023. Researchers, “GoldPickaxeThey determined that the trojan called “” was used specifically to empty bank accounts. The virus called “GoldDigger”, which affected the Android ecosystem in the past, an advanced version GoldPickaxe poses a serious risk to users.

They can infiltrate FaceID data

GoldPickaxe is a very dangerous virus. Because the devices infiltrated by this virus even facial scan data can be seized. In addition to biometric data, hackers can also access user identification data and text messages. That being the case, most of all banking apps is at risk. According to cybersecurity experts, GoldPickaxe is the first banking virus to target the iOS ecosystem.

It was transmitted through the TestFlight system

Apple’s system that hosts beta versions of applications in the App Store TestFlight, which led to GoldPickaxe infecting iPhones. Hackers installed this virus into an application and distributed it to iOS devices. Apple quickly detected the incident and removed the malicious application from TestFlight. lifted. However, this time, hackers infiltrated iPhones through the MDM set preferred by corporates.

A more advanced version called GoldDiggerPlus has also been developed

iOS phones can be infected with viruses

Cyber ​​security researchers say hackers non-stop They announced that they were working on this virus. According to the investigations, another virus named GoldDiggerPlus was developed as a more advanced version of GoldPickaxe. In addition to all the features of GoldPickaxe, this virus allows the target person to can be searched in real time He also allowed it.

According to the reviews, GoldPickaxe is currently in Vietnam and Thailand It affected some iPhone owners. At least this is the case as far as is known. However, cyber security experts say that hackers are focused on this virus. they are worried. Researchers talk about the possibility that the virus has spread to countries such as the USA and England. But for now, no such notification has been made.

How will iPhone owners protect themselves?

Security on iPhones

First of all, let’s say this; Apple in question aware of the existence of the Trojan horse and continues to work on correction. However, there are some ways you can protect yourself during this process. For example, leaving the TestFlight program for a while and closing the applications stable versions continue using. On the other hand; If your company phone is an iPhone and the profile has been set up, you can contact your employer until the risk is eliminated. individual profile you can use

There’s a lot you can do to secure an iPhone. Nowadays, you are avoiding installing applications that you do not know about. you can avoid. Also, as always staying away from phishing attackscan help protect you from GoldPickaxe.

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