Transactions Will Be Suspended Tomorrow On This Altcoin!

According to the announcement made by the largest cryptocurrency exchange Binance, a 24-hour wallet maintenance will be carried out for Cardano Network (ADA) tomorrow at 22:00 Turkish time. Traders using this exchange should be aware that there will be some restrictions for this altcoin between the specified hours. The stock market warns that if you have an important operation planned for tomorrow, it is appropriate to do so now or before maintenance. For details keep reading.

Binance will perform 24-hour maintenance on Cardano wallets

Binance Exchange is a leading cryptocurrency exchange founded in Hong Kong in 2017. It focuses strongly on altcoin trading. Binance offers trading in over 500 cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Dogecoin (DOGE) and its own token Binance Coin (BNB).

According to the announcement made by Binance exchange, a wallet will be maintained for Cardano Network (ADA) tomorrow at 22:00 Turkish time. The crypto exchange states that the maintenance to be performed on the altcoin wallet in question will take 24 hours. During maintenance, deposits and withdrawals on Cardano Network (ADA) will be suspended for 24 hours from the specified time.

In the statement of the crypto exchange, it is stated that deposits and withdrawals will be restarted after the maintenance is completed and users will be informed about this in the next announcement. However, Binance reminds that Cardano (ADA) trading will not be affected during wallet maintenance. Since the maintenance is only for wallet services, ADA trades on the exchange will continue unaffected. On the other hand, no detailed information was shared about what kind of changes will be made in the Cardano (ADA) wallet service.

Like other crypto exchanges, Binance offers services related to the trading, listing, fundraising, and delisting or withdrawal of cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency enthusiasts looking to issue their own tokens can use Binance to raise funds through initial cryptocurrency offerings (ICOs). The crypto exchange is used by a large number of traders and participants to exchange and invest in various cryptocurrencies.

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