Tokyo Municipality to Release Matchmaking App

In Japan’s capital Tokyo, the municipality is preparing to launch a matchmaker application for young people who want to get married.

Although some are popular around the world and some are niche products serving small communities, there are many matchmaking applications available globally. These applications generally emphasize more entertainment. Tokyo Municipality is preparing to launch its own application, taking into account the number of babies part of the business.

When “the municipality’s matchmaker application” is mentioned, everyone thinks of it as a joke. petition stating that you are single, residence, declaration of intent to marry Documents such as these will also be mandatory for the application to be developed by the Tokyo Municipality. Entry into the application will be made after the interview process.

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A spokesperson told AFP Tokyo Municipal Officialpeople who want to get married but do not have a partner 70% of While he stated that he did not participate in the introductory events organized by the municipality, he stated that they wanted to gently guide them with the new application.

On the other hand, Tokyo people are a little bit against this decision. distant. When we look at the reactions on social media, some citizens express that they are uncomfortable with the taxes collected from them being used in this way. On the other hand, Japan also needs to increase birth rates. Number of babies born per year in a country where birth rates have been falling for 18 years to 758 thousand 631 declined. The number of deaths in the country last year was from 1.5 million It was too much.


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Source : VzjdpOimTimxf2xXSE-5jbvRJRFu5VL2xHqGTzvng9YxGk1kx4JJS_cFFJZUHzfn-O47xSl_zMNruM7zI

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