TikTok Will Create Advertisements with the Artificial Intelligence of Influencers

TikTok continues to take advantage of artificial intelligence to encourage users to “click” more. According to the shared information, the social media giant will create ads with artificial intelligence avatars of real content creators within the scope of the new features of Symphony ad suite.

TikTok is a new productive platform aimed at helping brands and creators grow their audiences. artificial intelligence announced their tools. These new tools, announced as part of the Symphony ad suite, primarily aim to break down foreign language barriers in marketing and allow brands to add a “human” sincerity to their content, even if real people are not involved. While stock avatars are created based on copyrighted actors of different nationalities and languages, custom avatars are created to resemble a specific creator or brand representative and can also speak multiple languages.

Multi-language support is made possible thanks to a “translation tool” called Symphony AI Dubbing. This tool allows creators and marketers to dub their videos into more than 10 languages ​​and dialects. TikTokstates that this tool automatically detects which language is spoken in the videos and has the ability to instantly translate it into the language the user chooses. Thus, it becomes easier to reach foreign audiences.

The same ad can be instantly dubbed into different languages

For example, creators like MrBeast and FKA Twigs try to reflect the emphasis and emotions of the original video as much as possible when translating their content into other languages. MrBeast, dubs its videos into other languages ​​using YouTube’s dubbing support. FKA Twigs, on the other hand, is trying to produce content in other languages ​​by creating a “deepfake” version of herself. TikTok’s new tools aim to make such strategies more accessible and widespread.

TikTok has yet to respond despite being approached for information on pricing for its AI-powered marketing tools. The video below, created with an AI avatar by Adrienne Lahens, TikTok’s head of content strategy and global operations, gives an idea of ​​how natural these avatars can look. Still, users and creators will need to rely on the accuracy of TikTok’s new dubbing tools. It remains to be seen whether ads delivered by digital avatars will be less annoying to TikTok users than ads produced by real people.

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