THY’s Emotional Plane Nicknamed “Crazy Mike”

The Airbus plane called “Crazy Mike”, which has been in THY’s fleet for years, has constantly caused its own problems. We will clarify its features, the problems it causes and where its name comes from.

“Crazy Mike”, also known as THY’s “emotional plane”, unexpected problems caused and always lived up to his name as the scourge of the cabin crew with his idiosyncratic behavior.

So what are the features of this plane? behind this name What exactly lies there, is it still in service? Let’s explain it all.

First, let’s look at some features of Mad Mike:

  • The aircraft is a TC-JDM registered aircraft. Airbus A340-300.
  • To THY Fleet in 1996 He joined and served until 2019.
  • Its range was 14,450 km.
  • Fuel capacity was 204,500 liters.
  • 345 passengers had the capacity.
  • Usually on long-haul flights and On pilgrimages was used.

What problems was “Mad Mike” causing?


The plane is continuous; cabin lights flickering, passenger reading lights and stewardess call buttons lighting up in wrong places He was experiencing electrical problems such as. That’s why cabin crew were often directed to the wrong seats.

In addition, sometimes the landing gear could not be completely retracted and sometimes it was necessary to return to the departure airport. An example of this It happened in Istanbul in 2012.

Apart from engine failures, it also went off the track in Mumbai in 2011, although the passengers were unharmed. serious damage to the aircraft It also caused unexpected problems such as: In short, it was an aircraft famous for its technical faults.

THY technicians talk about him as follows:

“Crazy Mike can go to the other end of the world if he wants. If he doesn’t, he won’t move 1 meter. Sometimes turns on outside lights by itself, He extinguishes it just as he intervenes. Even if we dismantle and reinstall all systems, he makes the final decision. However, there is no problem with flight safety.”

No wonder it got this name…

Turkish Airlines

The letters “D” and “M” in the aircraft’s registration are in the aviation alphabet. Since he is called “Mike” with “Delta” Technicians working at Turkish Airlines called him “Crazy Mike” rather than “Delta Mike” because he was causing strange problems as we mentioned above.

In 2019, Turkish Airlines announced the operating costs of TC-JDM and the Considering the technical problems He decided to retire the aircraft.

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