Three reasons it could stay high over the long term


It describes the price level stability and is fed by constant changes.

(Photo: Imago Images)

Berlin Everything should be fine from one day to the next. With the upcoming turn of the year, the high inflation rates in Germany would have been done, was the popular opinion of many economists a while ago.

The price-driving effect due to the reduced VAT will be eliminated from the calculation from January, as will the introduction of CO2 prices for heating and transport. Price-driving effects such as delivery bottlenecks and skyrocketing energy costs should have gradually given way.

It is now clear: the high inflation rates will keep consumers and the economy busy for even longer. In Germany, the last inflation rate was 5.2 percent in November, the highest it has been in 30 years.

Almost all experts are still expecting more than three percent for 2022, as most economic forecasts show, whether from the Bundesbank or the research institutes. Only then does a gradual decline become apparent. But even this is in question.

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