Those 2 Altcoins Jumped As The Whole Market Crashed! Here’s Why…

Bitcoin (BTC) and the overall cryptocurrency market have been red in the last 24 hours. While BTC fell 5.6 percent, the leading altcoin Ethereum (ETH) lost almost 7 percent of its value. As such, there were only 2 altcoins that rose among the top 100 cryptocurrencies by market cap. We will be sharing them as…

The highest rising altcoin was ANKR

Both altcoins performing well today seem to be benefiting from the rising interest in Web 3.0. The top altcoin on Saturday morning was ANKR, with 17 percent. The Ankr protocol defines Ankr’s vision for Web 3.0 adoption. With open access to a Public RPC API layer, Ankr Protocol provides reliable, load-balanced access to clusters of nodes from around the world. As an Infrastructure Provider or Node Owner, you can include your node in the Ankr Protocol.

The protocol registers the node and joins it in the network. As a Developer or Product Owner, you can select it as a user of the protocol. The protocol optimizes the use of Blockchain to dynamically reduce the latency between users and nodes to provide the most efficient response possible. ANKR provides access to a generic RPC layer covering over eight chains. Ankr specifically draws attention to the Avalanche RPC on his Twitter account.

Second, another Web 3.0 coin, Siacoin (SC), gained close to 7 percent. Siacoin (SC) is the native utility token of Sia, a blockchain-based distributed, decentralized cloud storage platform. Sia acts as a secure, reliable marketplace for cloud storage where users can rent access to unused storage. Skynet Labs, behind Siacoin, announced that they will have a discount on their Skynet Pro service, which they offer with the “Black Friday” sale.

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