The cost of electricity in Germany is far higher than in other industrialized countries.
(Photo: dpa)
Berlin, Brussels The high electricity prices in Germany are a problem for many industrial companies. The companies are therefore demanding a significant reduction as quickly as possible.
The fact that there is an urgent need for action is undisputed in the Federal Government. After all, the price of electricity in Germany is above the European average and far higher than in the USA or China.
SPD leader Lars Klingbeil reiterated the demand for an industrial electricity price on Monday when Volkswagen visited Wolfsburg: “I demand that we in Germany get an industrial electricity price very quickly.” That will help in a phase of energy policy upheaval.
The opposition is also putting pressure on: “We don’t need any more long discussions now,” said Julia Klöckner, economic policy spokeswoman for the Union faction. “Because without a strong economy there can be no sustainable transformation.”
Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) is now in demand. In his house it is said that they are working on a concept. However, the hurdles of state aid law are high, and depending on the design, “considerable financing requirements” can arise.
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