This is how attractive heating with wood is for homeowners

Heat from wood pellets (symbol image)

Heating with wood has increased significantly in Germany.

(Photo: Imago/Westend61)

Dusseldorf There are currently many arguments in favor of replacing old oil or gas heating systems: On the one hand, the conflict with Russia is causing high energy prices because Germany is trying to become independent of Russian oil and gas supplies as quickly as possible. In addition, it cannot be ruled out that Russia will stop supplying energy before Europe is ready.

On the other hand, high costs for oil and gas are also wanted by the state. According to the Federal Climate Protection Act, Germany must achieve climate neutrality by 2045. Until then, the bottom line is that no more CO2 should be produced in households either. This is only possible if people no longer burn oil or gas for heating.

When looking for alternatives, homeowners often come across wood heating systems in addition to heat pumps or solar thermal systems. The consideration: wood is also available in Germany and it is a renewable raw material. But does it really make sense for the climate, wallet and independence to rely on wood heating now?

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