This Bitcoin Exchange Has Been Hacked: Transactions Suspended

The crypto ecosystem has been hit hard this week due to back-to-back security vulnerabilities in Nomad and Solana. This time the target was the ZB Exchange. In a similar attack, the Bitcoin exchange allegedly lost money.

ZB crypto exchange hacked, $3.60 million worth of assets stolen

The security compromise and the resulting impact have not yet been identified. However, the doubts certainly raise concerns. Attacks involving loss of funds are not new to the crypto ecosystem. But it’s possible that a series of events like this could have a major impact on the current scenario.

Finally, an attack on the ZB Bitcoin exchange resulted in the disappearance of approximately $3.60 million in assets. According to the crypto-related Twitter account CertiK Alert, the exchange has been hacked. The hackers then transferred the crypto assets to their own wallet. According to the statements, the hack caused the loss of 2224 ETH worth $3.60 million. CertiK Alert shared the following regarding the subject:

The ZB exchange was hacked and 2224 ETH (about $3.60 million) was transferred to the hackers’ wallet. Funds are currently at EOA 0x2644. It will most likely be sent to Tornado Cash.

Hackers stole nearly $200 million from the bridge protocol in the Nomad attack. From more than 41 addresses identified, hackers transferred millions of dollars to their own accounts. cryptocoin.comAs you follow on Wednesday, it was alleged that more than 7,000 wallets were compromised in Solana. In this attack, hackers managed to steal at least $8 million worth of crypto assets.

Bitcoin exchange ZB decides to suspend transactions

ZB’s suspension of operations reinforced this suspicion. On Tuesday, the Bitcoin exchange announced that it is suspending deposits and withdrawals on its platform. It showed the failure of essential apps to stop the services. The Bitcoin exchange made the following statement:

A sudden failure occurred in some core applications. It takes time to fix the problem. That’s why we’ve made the decision to discontinue deposit and withdrawal services.


PeckShield, a blockchain security and data analytics company, has raised doubts about the suspension of transactions. He wondered if the ZB exchange was really under maintenance or if his hot wallet had been hacked. According to CoinMarketCap, the ZB exchange, launched in 2013, has a decent trading community. The platform differentiates itself with its highly selective listing process and rare launchpad offerings, he explains. Interestingly, the crypto exchange calls itself the “World’s Safest Digital Asset Exchange.”

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