This Altcoin Project Launches To $10 Inevitably!

Crypto analyst Lark Davis thinks a $10 price for the popular altcoin project Polygon (MATIC) by the end of 2022 is inevitable. It highlights the various developments, partnerships and milestones the network has achieved as a result. Detail’in.

“This altcoin project will be $10”

Crypto analyst Lark Davis predicts a $10 price for MATIC by the end of the year. Here’s why: Last year, Polygon bought two major zk roll up scaling solutions: the Hermez network in August and the Mir blockchain in December. These offer more solutions than those hosted on Ethereum, as well as more benefits for their cross-chain users. These technological advances generated $500 million in revenue for Polygon last week. Noting the increase in MATIC value compared to last year, Davis said the same could be reflected this year. In January 2021, MATIC was worth about $0.02. By the end of that year, its price had risen to just over $2.

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Moreover, according to the statistics of new users, Polygon has been adopted much better than Ethereum. Of the 129 million accounts using Polygon in the last 8 months, only 15 percent have addresses on Ethereum. In December 2021 alone, Polygon boasted of adding 7,200 new developers to its ecosystem. And in the last week of that month, network developers deployed 1.8 million smart contracts, compared to 105K for Ethereum. On top of that, Polygon has established itself strongly in the worlds of NFTs and DeFi. In December 2021 alone, the network sold 1.99 million NFTs, according to data from Dune Analytics. Uniswap, the world’s largest decentralized exchange, went live on Polygon in December. Polygon’s Quickswap feature was in wide use with 226,000 users in December alone. These include the DeFi protocol Aave, the world’s largest NFT marketplace OpenSea, and the Sandbox metaverse platform.

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