This Altcoin Makes a Surprise China Announcement, Surges Its Price!

A blockchain-based financial services provider. LeverFi (LEVER) altcoin, It has announced plans to expand its services in Hong Kong and China, as well as develop decentralized finance initiatives for the existing web3 community.

The company aims to provide compliant financial services, including payments, fund management and real return products.

LeverFi expressed its excitement at the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) moving towards transparent guidelines for blockchain regulations, which it believes will serve as a positive trigger for web3 growth in Hong Kong and China.

Chart showing the rise in LEVER price after the Chinese announcement.

Expansion Plans of LeverFi Altcoin In Collaboration With China’s Blockchain Partner IOST

LeverFi’s expansion plans are in collaboration with IOST, a valued blockchain partner of the Chinese government and one of LeverFi’s early investors.

LeverFi is gradually moving its operations and team to Hong Kong with the help of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), which provides support with trade matching, market research and regulatory licensing to ensure full compliance in the Hong Kong market.

LeverFi, upcoming cryptocurrency It aims to actively participate in Hong Kong’s financial licensing regime, including public consultations on the licensing system and investor protection measures. The company plans to apply for traditional financial services licenses for fund management and payments to expand its offerings to institutions, corporations and accredited investors.

LeverFi also plans to launch commercial ETFs and other retail products to support everyday users with secure and compliant exposure to digital assets.

*Not investment advice.

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