This Altcoin Is Up More Than 4,000 Percent Today! Here’s the Secret

Altcoin project Phoenix Global (PHB) is flying today, while popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, SHIB, and DOGE are falling. Cryptocurrency has increased by more than 4,000 percent. So what is the reason for this rise? We have compiled the details for you, let’s examine the subject together…

Altcoin project Phoenix Global (PHB) takes off today

The little-known cryptocurrency project Phoenix Global (PHB) is flying today. The altcoin price has peaked, gaining more than 4,000 percent. The reason for this is the Phoenix Global (PHB) token exchange. Many exchanges such as Binance supported this exchange and announced that they will open the token for trading today. The explanation of the exchange on the subject is as follows:

Binance will support Phoenix Global (PHB) token exchange and 100:1 renewal plan. Details on this change are provided in the timeline below:

  • PHB (BEP20, BEP2, NEO) deposits and withdrawals will be suspended as of 01.11.2021. Please make sure you leave enough time before the specified date and time for your PHB deposits to be completed.
  • Binance will remove all existing PHB spot trading pairs (PHB/BTC and PHB/TUSD) from the list and cancel pending orders on 01.11.2021.
  • All PHB balances will be recorded and new PHB distribution will begin at the rate of 100 PHB (Old) = 1 PHB (New) to all eligible users.
  • After the token change, the old PHB tokens will be renamed to PHBv1 and the new PHB tokens will use the PHB exchange code with the same logo.
  • Then, PHB/BTC and PHB/TUSD spot trading pairs will be opened for trading on 5.11.2021.
  • Once the token swap is complete, Binance will make a separate announcement to let users know when new PHB deposits and withdrawals will open.
  • Afterwards, Binance will support the new PHB (BEP20). Users will be able to use the conversion function to exchange PHBv1 (BEP20, BEP2, NEO) tokens for new PHB (BEP20) tokens.
  • New PHB (BEP20) contract address: 0x0409633A72D846fc5BBe2f98D88564D35987904D.

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