This Altcoin is the Next Chainlink (LINK)!

LINK had a great run in 7 days. Yes, Chainlink is pumping like crazy. So we all saw what happened to Chainlink recently. Whales suddenly caught everyone’s attention with SWIFT, Google Cloud, AWS and then this big pump. But Chainlink was an underappreciated gem for a very long time. According to crypto expert Stu L, Wanchain has the potential to follow Chainlink.

Wanchain is the OG of bridges. Actually, we call them bridges. Because Wanchain gave them this name. And you know how important they are in moving money cross-chain. As you can see playing in the background, the combination of speed, good price and safety is important for a quality bridge. Especially the security part. There has been no hacking or theft on any of the bridges of Wanchain, the Chainlink of the Future (LINK). What is the reason of this? We think as you see the answer to this question, you will see where the hidden value lies in the project and the WAN token.

Answers to frequently asked questions from the Wanchain team

Wanchain specializes in bridges. And while we explain what they do pretty well, their teams explain it even better. That’s why we give the floor to Temujin Louie, VP of Marketing at Wanchain. Chainlink of the Future (LINK) Let’s go back to the question of why Wanchain has not been subject to the bridge hacks that others have experienced in the past. We know this is not luck. But why is that? Here, Temujin explains that key organizations like the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance, as well as their collaborative approach with protocols, allow bridges to do only their most basic work. They are not susceptible to attacks compared to others that have large “you may have heard this term before” attack vectors.

We wondered then whether the public was aware of how secure Wanchain’s bridges were. One way to understand this is whether bridge volume increases after another bridge is hacked. Here Temujin confirms that we think the public considers security important. After a bridge hack, Wanchain, the Chainlink of the Future (LINK), is indeed seeing more volume. After the popularity of the XFlows program, cross-chain can be bridged. But you can buy native tokens of the 4 most popular assets in crypto like Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDC, and USDT.

We asked which blockchains Wanchain would add to the 30+ blockchains it currently bridges. Here are some good clues as to where Wanchain will go next based on successful L2s or where USDT and USDC are native. L2 bridging is particularly useful. Because most L2s just bridge back to Ethereum.

But what if you want to bridge from Arbitrum to Polygon? Or from Arbitrum to Optimism? With Wanchain, the Chainlink of the Future (LINK), you save steps, time and money in the process thanks to its bridges. So, if it’s not there yet, it’s possible that Wanchain’s bridges are coming to a blockchain near you soon.

The opinions and predictions in the article belong to the expert and are definitely not investment advice. We strongly recommend that you do your own research before investing. In addition, we recommend that you take into consideration that the crypto market is quite risky.

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