This Altcoin Announces Web3 Partnership With Famous Company!

The team behind the multi-chain smart contract platform Astar Network has announced its partnership with an industry-leading company. The collaboration will focus on Web3 tutorials and improving altcoin networks.

Astar Network makes moves to improve Web3 education and networking infrastructure

Astar-Foundation, the developer group behind Astar Network, announced its partnership with renowned business development company NTT Digital. With a solid reputation, the Astar team has been collaborating with various high-profile organizations lately. The latest NTT Digital partnership will support the altcoin project’s effort to produce cutting-edge solutions.

NTT Digital was founded by NTT DoCoMo, one of the leading Japanese telecommunications companies, to create a safe and user-friendly space for organizations and people to create and build on the Web3. Sota Watanabe, Founder of the Primer Foundation, has this to say about the collaboration with NTT Digital:

We are excited to partner with NTT Digital, which has decades of experience building technology infrastructure to drive adoption and innovation. Together we will empower individuals and businesses to embrace the potential of Web3 by enabling a more inclusive, decentralized future.

The partnership focuses on two areas

Both organizations recognize the critical role that skills play in preventing widespread adoption. The Astar Foundation and NTT Digital will work together specifically to encourage people to pursue careers in the Web3 industry, which is in high demand for engineers and corporate executives.

Its goals include providing training programs, facilitating experiential learning opportunities, and establishing a network for Web3 professionals and businesses to work together.

Web3 is still in its infancy, but it’s rapidly evolving into something new. This opens up possibilities and obstacles that have not been taken into account until now. Price fluctuations, data security, and fraud protection are critical issues for companies to consider. As the number of people using Astar increases, Astar Foundation and NTT-Digital will best ensure the safety of users. This will prevent fraud. It will also pool resources to develop methods that will foster a trustworthy environment.

About the Primer Network (ASTR)

Astar Network is a decentralized Blockchain platform that enables multi-chain interaction using the ChainX protocol. Specifically, it aims to combine performance, scalability, and security. The altcoin project acts as a bridge between different networks to perform transactions such as asset transfer, data sharing and collaboration. This allows users to submit an asset or data to interact between different networks. The network’s native cryptocurrency, ASTR, is currently trading at $0.04255. You can take a look at the other prominent partnership news of the day, which we conveyed as, in this article.

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