This Altcoin Announces An Important Partnership: Here are the Details!

IoTex Pad (TEX), the first launchpad platform created, released and powered by privacy-focused Blockchain IoTeX, to enable the Internet of Things (IoT), has announced its partnership with gem exchange MEXC Global. IoTex Pad is the primary incubator and native launchpad panel for all leading IoTeX projects. Thanks to the partnership, MXC projects can also be incubated directly on the Iotexpad launchpad. We are giving details about the altcoin project.

What is Iotex and Iotexpad?

  • IoTeX is a custom “Blockchain-in-Blockchain” solution that supports the Internet of Things (IoT). Despite PoS or PoW, it uses Roll-DPoS (PoS with side chain use) consensus mechanism to increase speed and scalability. IoTeX also has a special technique to protect privacy. According to research by Juniper, there will be more than 50 billion IoT devices by 2022. It’s the role of IoTeX to manage such a large number of devices and provide secure communication methods between devices.
  • Iotexpad is the first decentralized IDO platform for projects launched on the IoTeX network. It allows projects to seamlessly increase liquidity and deliver their tokens to the target audience. Entries to iotexpad are low cost and open to everyone. In summary, Iotexpad is a dedicated launchpad platform for transformative IoTeX projects that take crowdfunding to a whole new level with the safe and easy use of cryptocurrencies to benefit projects and their investors.

Altcoin project announces an important partnership

On February 3, Iotexpad announced its partnership with the centralized exchange MEXC Global, which uses transaction matching technology. In this way, MXC projects will also be able to be incubated, invested and directed directly on the Iotexpad launchpad. Twitter analyst Rookie with 287 thousand followers is among the supporters of the project.

About MEXC Global

MEXC Global is a centralized exchange using high-performance matching engine technology. Currently, MEXC Global caters to around 5 million users in more than 70 countries around the world. It is licensed in four countries: Canada, Australia, Estonia, and the United States. The exchange’s cryptocurrency, MX Token (MX), is trading at $1.65 at the time of writing.

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