They Even Sold The Town Hall! How to Buy Metaverse Land?

Since last year, metaverse-oriented projects, which are thought to be the future of the internet after DeFi and NFT trends, have been sold to individual and institutional investors for millions of dollars. In the latest examples, South Korean tech giant Samsung has opened its first virtual store in collaboration with Ethereum-based Decentraland (MANA). More interestingly, the town hall of Lüleburgaz, a district of Kırklareli in the Thrace region, was sold in a metaverse application. So, how to buy metaverse land and is it an efficient investment? Let’s answer all the related questions…

What is the metaverse plot?

Metaverse (virtual universe) projects in the crypto money market are virtual platforms with their own economy, supported by augmented reality devices and Blockchain-NFT technology. Just like the real world, these universes consist of terrains. Different projects have virtual worlds built with different game engine. For example, Decentraland using the Infinity Engine consists of 90,601 individual LANDs, each represented by an ERC-721 NFT.

Where are the Metaverse plots sold?

Metaverse land sales are made through The Sandbox, Decentraland and OVR platforms. You can also visit the following platforms.

  • Genesis City
  • Axie Infinity
  • blocktopia
  • Lunacia
  • MatrixWorld Land Sale
  • Dvision Network
  • myneighboralice
  • opensea

How to buy metaverse plot?

If you’re interested in cryptocurrencies, buying a metaverse plot takes a few steps.

  • You must create a crypto wallet from any cryptocurrency exchange or wallet app.
  • Whichever platform you have decided to buy the land of, you need to keep the relevant token in your wallet.
    • E.g; SAND for The Sandbox, MANA for Decentraland.
    • These tokens can be exchanged for Ethereum (ETH) or Dai (DAI).
  • After transferring the tokens to your wallet, you need to transfer them to your account on the platform where you will buy the metaverse land.
  • You can then purchase an island or parcel from the map based on your research. You can reach the metaverse guides that we have prepared as part-1, part-2 here.

How much are Metaverse land prices?

The most expensive plots are near where many users congregate. For example, someone recently paid $450,000 to be Snoop Dogg’s neighbor in the Sandbox world. The most economical plots are 3.7 ETH ($14,099) in Sandbox and 3.46 ETH ($13,211) in Decentraland.

Lüleburgaz’s town hall has been sold on metaverse application

The latest development from our country was the sale of the Lüleburgaz municipality building for 10 dollars in one application. Lüleburgaz municipality announced the sale on its official Twitter account.

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